After two years of absence, the Nancy Expo Fair once again seduces visitors

It has not taken place for two years: the Nancy Expo Fair is making a comeback at the Vandoeuvre-lès-Nancy exhibition center. The fair brings together some 300 exhibitors from June 4 to 12, and expects tens of thousands of visitors. The fair is dedicated this year to Ireland, with an exhibition on Celtic culture and Irish craft shops.

Well-being, layout, gastronomy, there is something for everyone in the rest of the Expo Fair. This is precisely what attracts Véronique, Alain and their friends, who have come especially from the Vosges for the occasion. “We discover new products, we stroll through the aisles, we satisfy our curiosity”they slip. “It’s been a while since we came because of the pandemic, so we’re happy to be back!”

happy professionals

Nadia and Cyril are also regulars at the Expo Fair. “We missed it”, they exclaim. “We are mainly interested this year in renovation companies, but we are taking the opportunity to see what is new in the region, to understand the local economic fabric”, says Cyril. It is also the opportunity for a family outing. Their two children, Mathias and Julie, enjoyed “The Ireland Exhibition”and the Lego stand, from which they left with a box of toys.

Professionals also appreciate this reunion with the public. Sandrine and her sister take the opportunity to introduce the public to their company “Les Chicos de France”, and their new product, “a soft toy in the shape of a tooth, with a pocket behind so that the little mouse can easily find the lost teeth!”

Many animations

“People don’t understand what it is right away, they come to see us, ask us questions”notes Sandrine. “We can explain our approach to them a bit, emphasize the quality of the product. Trade shows are very important for establishing this contact with the public.”

In addition to the stands, many activities and several nights are offered throughout the week at the Expo Fair. The full program is here. The Expo Fair is open every day, from June 4 to 12, from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m., and 10 p.m. on late nights.

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