Alexandra Lamy: rare appearance of the actress on the red carpet alongside her sister Audrey

If it is not as prestigious as the Cannes Film Festival, the 1st edition of the Tomorrow Film Festival which has been taking place since June 2 in Vierzon has attracted some fine headliners. The event, which was initiated by director Louis-Julien Petit (Discount, Les invisibles and La Brigade), aims to create a place of expression and promotion of “impactful” films. Wishing to strengthen the power of culture in our society, this festival is the new cultural event dedicated to socially-engaged films.

For the founding team, Louis-Julien Petit, Camille Carteret and Mathieu Petit Bonnefond, it must be “a place of expression for committed directors who, through their works, awaken or strengthen civic awareness. A place of exchange and transmission for the young generation. A place of entertainment as well as a space for debate for all.

The official competition composed of 9 works is open to cinema films, television units as well as films produced by platforms and 4 feature films will be presented in previews in the presence of the film crews. The jury, chaired this year by actress Corinne Masiero, is made up of director Xavier Legrand (Jusqu’à la garde), actresses Naidra Ayadi (Polisse), Julie de Bona (Le Bazaar de la Charité), Fatou Kaba (Validated) and musician and actor Axel Auriant (Skam).”, relate our colleagues from Allociné.com.

The event which ends this Sunday, June 5, 2022 was also punctuated by masterclasses with Louis-Julien Petit, Coline Serreau, Anne Parillaud, Julie Ferrier, composer Laurent Perez del Mar but also actress Audrey Lamy. “All registers are interesting to approach, she says. But it’s not the register that interests me, it’s the story. I read a lot of scripts. But reading good stories is hard.”, she explains to the regional daily Le Berry. The actress revealed by the series Household Scenes in any case took the opportunity yesterday to pose proudly alongside her sister Alexandra. A rare moment shared by the two actresses who played the game on the red carpet to the delight of the photographers present.


See also: Audrey Lamy announces happy news!

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