why does the Minister of National Education not speak?

He is the surprise of the Borne government. Little known to the general public, Pap Ndiaye was immediately vilified by the far right, described by the media as being the antithesis of Jean-Michel Blanquer, his word was therefore eagerly awaited, but… he did not the moment communicated only once, on the day of the handover in rue de Grenelle.

With a clear message and who laid down his first intentions. And to make his tribute to Samuel Paty the marker of his mission at the Ministry of National Education, Pap Ndiaye went, for his first trip, to the college of Conflans-Sainte-Honorine, where the history teacher- geography taught. But the minister did it without a camera and it was not until the next day that the press relayed his visit.

franceinfo: what do these beginnings say about the communication chosen by Pap Ndiaye?

Gaspard Gantzer : Pap NDiaye knows that he is expected around the corner because his name had not circulated much before he arrived in rue de Grenelle. He therefore wanted to mark his entry into politics, leaving his mark quickly. And his imprint is that of a historian, that of a history teacher who is attached to history, memory and symbols. This is why he immediately wanted to follow in the footsteps, not of his predecessors, but of one of his colleagues who unfortunately lost his life in the context of a terrorist attack.

Is his appointment to the Ministry of National Education also a publicity stunt?

Unquestionably because the first government of Elisabeth Borne is a government of continuity and, a little like Emmanuel Macron had chosen the figure of Nicolas Hulot in 2017 and a little later that of Eric Dupond-Moretti, he wanted to attract be careful with this minister little known to the general public but very involved in the academic world. Pap Ndiaye is very involved in the fight against discrimination and who, by his career, his origin, marks the spirits.

His second official trip therefore took place on Thursday alongside the Head of State in Marseille, to launch the school of the future, but it was ultimately Emmanuel Macron who spoke in his place, or at least “under the control of Minister”. Is this something normal?

Yes, and we could have waited a very long time for Pap Ndiaye to speak, because when a president travels the ministers are first and foremost there to make up the numbers. It is customary to say that under the Fifth Republic, the president took care of everything, including the color of the curtains and changing the light bulbs at the Elysée. In ministerial and presidential trips, it is therefore very difficult for a minister to exist, and especially when he has little political experience. We can always say a word in passing, but the star of the day, in such a trip, is the president and nothing but the president.

Do we know when Pap Ndiaye’s first speech will take place?

Not yet I believe, but like many new ministers – I am also thinking of Rima Abdul-Malak at Culture – they dread this first speech in the media because they know that they are expected at the turn. So they train, some do media training… In any case, they are calibrating their messages and they are waiting to pass their trial by fire.

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