“we’ll see what happens next but I like this stadium”

Anthony Gonçalves, you are one of the players who have marked the history of Stade Lavallois.

Yes, I am lucky to be part of this list of players who have marked the history of the stadium. It’s beautiful, it always intimidates me a little. But it’s true that there on the occasion of this anniversary, there are a lot of smiles, people who are happy to see me too. It always warms my heart personally.

What makes this club so close to your heart?

You have to have played at Stade Lavallois to realize why we love this club so much. It may seem like that from the outside a club with a somewhat rural stadium, let’s say. It smells of merguez. It’s the image that there is also a bit when you go to other clubs. But in fact, you realize, once you go to this club, that there is something different. In Laval, there is a soul, there is a DNA that is different and therefore you have to have played in this club there to understand all that. This also explains why there are a lot of players or former players who came today (Saturday June 4) to pay tribute to this club. It is not insignificant.

Have you seen a lot of familiar faces?

I honestly feel like I never left. When I see the heads again, the feeling that the people, the faithful have stayed and find a lot of pleasure too. That’s what’s really important. Stade Lavallois must remain Stade Lavallois. In this environment which is a little politicized, let’s say, we tend a little so that the clubs change too. But when you have found the right formula, you just have to try to keep it, then improve the recipe from time to time.

Do you mean that we are not about to see Chinese or American investors land at the Stade Lavallois?

It is not necessary, I think, it is not necessary. The Stade Lavallois which belongs to the Laval residents. And there are already a lot of things to do, I think, in Mayenne for Stade Lavallois to continue in this future division. There are very, very beautiful things. Then you have to put the right ingredients. Today they were put to ride. And we must continue to put them for the future.

The following precisely, you are at the end of the contract, the question of your future is regularly asked to you?

Listen, I’m going to Greece in the very near future. Today, I am in discussion with clubs who want to welcome me. I will make the decision when the time is right. Today I am really very happy to be here (in Le Basser on the occasion of this anniversary). It’s special for me to come back. It’s been a bunch of years since I’ve been back to the stadium. But whatever happens, this club is engraved in me and in my heart. So, I’m really very very happy today for him and we’ll see what happens next. But I like this stadium.

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