residents of Nancy debate the “Ehpad of tomorrow”

How to improve care in Ehpads? Five months after the revelations of journalist Victor Castanet on suspicion of abuse in certain Orpea establishments, the group wants to restore its image. As part of the “General States of Orpea”, from May 13 to June 29, several residences for the elderly open their doors, or organize times of exchange with residents and their families.

Positives and negatives

Saturday, June 4, it was the turn of the nursing home “Les Cygnes” in Nancy to organize a round table with the elderly and their loved ones. About fifty people, half of them residents, debated for two hours about living conditions, the positives and negatives of nursing home care. Several residents underlined their satisfaction, while pointing “lack of staff”.

“I think for my part that we should help the elderly to keep their identity when they enter nursing homes”reacts Emmanuelle, whose mother has been living in Les Cygnes for a few months. “She has trouble getting used to it. We should make sure that they are not considered as clones. They had a life before!”

A summary published in the fall

Debates that will help prevent future crises, wants to believe the director of the structure, Pierre Durandel. “Of course, there is the Orpea scandal, but it is not new. The sector has been weakened for years, and this has given rise to increasingly significant situations. But the problem comes from our recruitment difficulties, and this is true in the private as in the public or the associative”. Through these exchanges, the director hopes “find areas of improvement for certain things, because residents necessarily see things from another angle”.

These round tables are organised, on a voluntary basis, by about fifty structures in France. All the exchanges will then be synthesized and made public in the fall.

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