War in Ukraine | Mélanie Joly reaffirms Canada’s commitment

(Ottawa) Foreign Affairs Minister Mélanie Joly said Canada is more determined than ever in its support for Ukraine as its war against Russia continues after 100 days.

Posted at 9:28

Mary Woolf
The Canadian Press

In an interview with The Canadian Press, she said Canada would continue to provide arms and other aid while pressuring Russia with new rounds of sanctions.

“Our goal is to make sure we exert maximum pressure on Putin’s regime,” she said.

Canada was inspired by Ukraine’s resolute defense of its country, she said, and will continue to support the beleaguered country as the war reaches its “third phase”.

The will that the Ukrainians have shown is incredible and inspiring. Nobody thought, at the start of the war, that Ukraine would be able to fight back the way it did; and she always fights back, she doesn’t back down.

Mélanie Joly, Minister of Foreign Affairs

After talks with his counterparts from Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia in Quebec, Mr.me Joly confirmed Friday that Canada has increased the deployment of Canadian troops to Latvia, which borders Russia.

The intention to strengthen the presence of the Canadian Forces in the Baltic countries was announced by the Prime Minister in February. Canada leads a multinational North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) battle group in Latvia, one of four based in the Baltics and Poland designed to deter a Russian attack.

“We had 700 soldiers and we are now increasing that number by 450,” said Mr.me Pretty. We now have 1300 soldiers in Latvia. We have also increased our presence by ensuring that there is another frigate in the Baltic Sea. »

Minister Joly indicated that Canada was also preparing to “put 3,400 soldiers on standby for NATO”.

She added that Canada was playing a key diplomatic role in supporting Ukraine to “maintain strong unity” with the United States, the European Union (EU) and other allies.

US President Joe Biden said this week he would provide Ukraine with longer-range rocket systems, while Germany promised to send an air defense system.

Mme Joly recalled that it was “important that the United States send… heavy weapons this week” and that Canada would also send more weapons.

Agricultural production

She said she had held talks with the UN, EU and G7 on a possible diplomatic solution to help Ukraine move millions of tons of grain out of its port of Odessa, which is blocked by Russia.

Countries in Africa and the Middle East that depend on Ukrainian wheat as a staple food are facing hunger, the United Nations World Food Program has warned.

Mme Joly stressed that Ukraine must “be comfortable with the diplomatic solution, because its own security must be ensured”.

Canada is ready to send ships to Romanian ports to ship the grain and to support its transport by rail and barge to neighboring European countries, according to the minister.

She said she discussed additional support for Ukraine with Gabrielius Landsbergis, Lithuanian Foreign Minister, Zanda Kalnina-Lukasevica, Latvian Parliamentary Secretary for Foreign Affairs, and Eva-Maria Liimets, Estonian Foreign Minister.

The Baltic countries were invaded by the Soviet Union in 1940 and then by Nazi Germany in 1941. They were later reoccupied during World War II, remaining part of the Soviet Union until 1991.

“Because they are on the border of Russia, they understand and feel the threat posed by Russia every day,” concluded Mr.me Pretty.

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