“The strategy of this government to deal with its failures is a lie”, denounces François-Xavier Bellamy, MEP LR


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MEP François-Xavier Bellamy attacked Gérald Darmanin, whom he accuses of having “lied”.

“This government’s strategy to deal with its failures is a lie”denounces Saturday June 4 on franceinfo François-Xavier Bellamy, MEP Les Républicains, commenting on the incidents at the Stade de France on the sidelines of the Champions League final on May 28.

The management of the executive after the incidents at the Stade de France “reveals that this government’s strategy to deal with its failures is a lie”denounces François-Xavier Bellamy. “Gérald Darmanin’s spontaneous reaction was precisely to accuse the British supporters and then to maintain his accusation indefinitely, including before the Senate committee which received it”judges the MEP Les Républicains.

“Gérald Darmanin lied. It is extremely serious because from a Minister of the Interior, we should expect his word to be indisputable.”

Francois-Xavier Bellamy

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For François-Xavier Bellamy, the cause of the Stade de France incidents is not the number of counterfeit tickets held by Liverpool supporters but rather “a State which has allowed areas of lawlessness to prosper and which is no longer capable of ensuring security there”. And the MEP accuses “residents of Seine-Saint-Denis who came to the Stade de France for the sole purpose of returning” illegally and then engaged in theft and damage.

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