Jubilee of Elizabeth II: her absence raises concerns about her state of health


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As the United Kingdom celebrates the platinum jubilee of Queen Elizabeth II on Friday June 3, her state of health worries the British. The sovereign, at the height of her popularity, is not sure of being present at all the festivities. Mathieu Boisseau is in direct from London.

“There is no certainty. Moreover, this afternoon, Queen Elizabeth let it be known through her entourage that she had to give up a second event: an Esptom horse race, scheduled for tomorrow afternoon. An appointment in which she is used to participating, however, as a great passion for horse riding”explains Mathieu Boisseau, live from London, Friday, June 3.

“There are therefore three possibilities for a possible appearance: tomorrow evening a concert in front of Buckingham, then on Sunday block parties all over the United Kingdom and a great artistic parade in the streets of London. But nothing is guaranteed”says the journalist. “That doesn’t discourage the British though. They are still numerous behind me, in front of Buckingham. These people are here for the concert tomorrow night. And to be in the front row, some will again spend the night here”concludes Mathieu Boisseau.

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