Transport: the countryside conquered by the bicycle



France 3

Article written by

S. Piard, M. Anglade, C. Berbett-Justice – France 3

France Televisions

If city dwellers are used to seeing bicycles, they are not the only ones. In the countryside, many people prefer this economical and ecological means of transport.

Not taking your car is both an economical and ecological choice. “When you can do without it, it’s always as well to do without it, it’s a little exercise and then it’s not bad either for lowering the carbon footprint. It is however not always easy to ride a bike between the hills and the lack of usable paths for cyclists.

The association InVD provides different bicycles suitable for everyone and which are not necessarily available in the countryside. “The goal is to allow everyone to try different bikes that they do not necessarily have the opportunity to find in our rural areas”, explains Hélène Jacquemin, the president of the association. The latter is notably testing a new kind of bicycle made up of four wheels and two seats. Nicknamed “the beast”, this machine can be tested by different users.

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