Stéphane Plaza Buys a Chic Apartment in Paris: Photos of the Incredible View and Interior!

He could have seen the seagulls, the gray sky and the trawlers of Brittany, the region where he had announced his move, but in the end Stéphane Plaza chose to stay in Paris. The star host of M6 has bought a large apartment in the Marais. We imagine that the cost must have been very high and it is not the recent photo posted on Instagram that will contradict it when we know the view it offers…

Thursday, June 2, Stéphane Plaza posted in the story from his Instagram account a photo taken from his new home. “Nice view, right? Move planned in August“, he commented. We have to prove him right since we can discover that the businessman at the head of a network of franchised agencies across France has a view of the Seine, precisely on the Pont New, in the 1st arrondissement of the capital. From his balcony, he seems to have a view of the Ile de la Cité. Which suggests that he bought an apartment at the level of the Quai du Louvre. The average price per meter square is estimated at just over 14,000 euros.

In the pages of Sunday newspaper, Stéphane Plaza recently revealed this incredible purchase. “My apartment will finally arrive. This is the first apartment I’ve bought to live in. While waiting for the end of the work, I live in a 17 square meter studio opposite, it’s practical (…) It is 50 square meters, to which I have just added 36 square meters by buying the apartment below, the work will be finished at the end of May. (…) There is a lot of life, bars and shops open on Sundays, with also good addresses for brunches and markets“, had explained the host of House for sale Where apartment hunters. To do this, you have to walk a little in the Halles district, for example.

Stéphane Plaza, who spoke of work completed in May in the JDD but nevertheless mentioned a move next August in his story, therefore bought an apartment which could be worth … 1.2 million euros! But the host has the means since we learned last year thanks to BFM Immo that he had, for example, received income of 1,526,077 euros before taxes in 2020…

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