A young man stabs his mother before drinking her blood… for an amazing reason!

On May 30, Thabang Mosoane, 24, pleaded guilty to the murder of his mother, Kedisaletse Elizbeth Mosoane, 53, which occurred on May 9, 2022. The young man was arrested at the family home in Koster, Africa. of the South, the day of the murder. Shortly before the intervention of the police, his twin had seen him drinking the blood of his victim. Once there, the investigators had discovered the inert matriarch in a cabin on the property.

According to information from our colleagues from the Daily Star, Thabang Mosoane had first cut his mother’s carotid artery before sucking the wound like a vampire. He would have acted in this way to take revenge for the latter’s refusal to give him money to buy cannabis.

Faced with justice, the young man would have launched: “ I want to plead guilty and finalize the case. In the courtroom, two of her aunts were in shock. In particular, they demanded that their nephew be sentenced to life imprisonment for having “ committed one of the country’s worst sins “. ” It was he who killed his mother and drank her blood. The court should not even attempt to grant him bail. He has to go to jail for a long time Naomi Mosoane reportedly said.

“He was a problem child”

For her part, Bertha Motshabi is just as categorical. Like Naomi, she never wants to hear from Thabang Mosoane again. ” My sister will not come back to life because of him. He was a problem child. “Our colleagues also add that Thabo, the twin brother of the” blood drinker “presumed, has” swore never to accept Thabang’s apology “, according to Bertha.


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