parliament bans broadcasting of Russian news programs on radio and television

Half of the foreign programs broadcast on Moldovan television will now have to come from the European Union, the United States or the signatories of this European convention.

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War is also cultural. The Moldovan Parliament adopted, on Thursday 2 June, a law prohibiting the broadcasting of Russian news programs in this country. With the conflict in Ukraine reaching its 99th day, tensions have grown between pro-Westerns and pro-Russians in this small country of 2.6 million inhabitants located between Romania and Ukraine.

This “information security” law prohibits the “retransmission on radio and television of news, military, political and analytical programs from countries which have not ratified the European Convention on Transfrontier Television”. LMoldavian television channels will nevertheless be able to continue broadcasting Russian films, series, music programs or entertainment programs.

In addition, 50% of foreign programs broadcast on television must come from the European Union, the United States or signatories to this European convention. In fact, the ban on broadcasting news programs – which had already been put in place in 2017 and then canceled in 2020 – has been in force since the start of the Russian offensive in Ukraine.

Moldova, home to Transdniestria, a pro-Russian separatist territory bordering Ukraine, fears that Moscow could choose her as a target. This pa predominantly Romanian-speaking country, but with a strong Russian-speaking minority, shows resolute support for kyiv in the face of the Russian attack. Moldova is hosting war refugees, has applied for EU membership and has secured a European promise of a major increase in military aid.

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