Emmanuel Macron and Pap Ndiaye in Marseille, the European embargo on Russian oil… The informed of the morning of Thursday June 2, 2022

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Reading time : 1 min.

With Renaud Dély and Marc Fauvelle on Thursday June 2, Carole Barjonpolitical columnist at The Obsand Neila Latrouspolitical journalist at franceinfo.

The themes

– Emmanuel Macron and Pap Ndiaye are in Marseille, where the Head of State has launched a massive investment plan for the summer of 2021. This is the first official trip for the new Minister of National Education, whose profile marks a break with his predecessor, Jean-Michel Blanquer. Why did you choose Marseille for this trip? Do we know what Pap Ndiaye wants to do with National Education?

– The 27 countries of the European Union have implemented an embargo on two-thirds of Russian oil imports by the end of 2022. Will the government really speed up the ecological transition and the development of renewable energies? Can they eventually rid us of our dependence on fossil fuels?

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