The Council of State prohibits capercaillie hunting for five years

The population of this bird is in decline and it is classified as “vulnerable” on the French red list of threatened species.

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It is the largest wild land bird in Europe. The Council of State imposed the suspension of capercaillie hunting in a decision made public on Wednesday June 1. “It is enjoined on the minister in charge of hunting to issue a decree before July 15, 2022 suspending capercaillie hunting throughout the metropolitan territory of France for a period of five years”, explains the institution. The State’s obligations with regard to the protection of biodiversity and the preservation of wild species are put forward by the Council of State to justify its decision.

The latter had been seized by several environmental defense associations which demanded this moratorium on the hunting of this bird, also called capercaillie. They had challenged the Council of State in “noting the decline of the species and the inaction of the public authorities”. This species, described as vulnerable on the French red list of threatened species, was nevertheless still huntable.

“Our associations are satisfied with this decision and also call on the Ministry of Ecology to quickly take strong measures to halt the decline of the capercaillie”reacted the association France Nature Environnement in a press release.

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