“Careful… I’m off!” : Michel Sardou ready to leave France? He explains his anger

He is not the first to proclaim it: Michel Sardou says he is ready to leave France! Too much tax to pay? Too much wokism in the debates? No, no, the 75-year-old singer is just… afraid of seeing Jean-Luc Mélenchon become Prime Minister. Asked by Paris Matchthe artist who lives in Normandy for most of the year explains.

Questioned by the magazine while the musical devoted to his songs, I will love you, a hit at the Seine Musicale, Michel Sardou took stock of his current life. Based near Deauville with his wife Anne-Marie Périer, he says he is happy as a rooster in the countryside, where he works and likes to watch the news. On TV, he was able to follow the last presidential campaign he found “boring“. The one who has long been suspected of being on the right of the political spectrum claims to have today “no more contact” with politicians. And if he does not say so that he votes, one thing is certain: his voice does not go to Jean-Luc-Mélenchon, figure of La France Insoumise who arrived 3rd in the presidential election with 21.9 % voices.

The interpreter ofBe a woman, Love sickness or I come from the south declares: “Mélenchon is always in excess. Now he declares himself Prime Minister [si Nupes, la coalition de gauche aux législatives l’emporte en juin, il espère une cohabitation et être nommé chef du gouvernement, ndlr]Attention danger ! If he wins, I’m off. Or else I declare Normandy a duchy and I put barriers everywhere“, confides Michel Sardou, who therefore seems to be living with fear in his stomach. The latest Elabe poll for L’Express-BFMTV gives Nupes 25% of the voting intentions, half a point ahead of Together! the majority coalition presidential, not certain for the moment of obtaining an absolute majority in the Assembly… What push Michel Sardou to prepare his nails and his boards to barricade himself in Normandy?

Find the full interview with Michel Sardou in Paris Matchedition of June 2, 2022.

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