discover the Vélorail of the Gorges du Doux in Boucieu-le-Roi

Each railbike has 5 seats (2 pedalers at the front and 3 passengers) thus offering an activity combining sport and discovery of a wild nature. Uphill, no effort! It takes place on board a railcar towing the cycle rails.

Carved into the side of the mountain with numerous works of art, it is the only way to discover the magnificent landscapes of the Doux valley.

Departing from Boucieu-le-Roi station, embark for a fun and friendly experience! By pedaling at your own pace, fill up on sensations in the great outdoors and enjoy a 360° panorama!

Each railbike has 5 places
Sylvain Bridot

Listen to the report France Bleu

More informations

Reservation required: [email protected]. Open until November 5, 2022.

For more information on times and conditions, head to the website.

  • 265A, route du Pont du Roi – 07270 Boucieu-le-Roi
  • Telephone : 04 75 08 20 30

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