HERE First | After The evening, place at The day (is still young)

Three weeks after the end of The evening is (still) young, a cult weekly Radio-Canada event for ten years, the public broadcaster announces the return of Jean-Philippe Wauthier and his accomplices. From September 5, they will host a derivative of their old show: The day (is still young).

Posted at 10:57 a.m.

William Theriault

William Theriault
The Press

Every day between 1 p.m. and 1:30 p.m., Jean-Philippe Wauthier and Olivier Niquet “will cover the news in the twister, with the biting and sharp spirit that we know them”, in addition to welcoming the columnist Jean- Sebastien Girard occasionally.

Fans will rediscover the wit, energy, fun and just enough sizzle of the cult show. It will certainly be able to attract new listeners who want a free, fun and local meeting, in short a new format where listeners are not likely to get bored.

Excerpt from the Radio-Canada press release

In its press release, Radio-Canada also mentioned that Jean-Sébastien Girard “will be at the helm of a show this fall” and that the official announcement will be made shortly.

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