Mysterious smells of gas are spreading from the Côte Bleue to Marseille

This Wednesday evening, the mystery remains whole on thesmell of gas reported in several places Bouches-du-Rhône, Ensuès-La-Redonne via Chateauneuf-Les-Martigues, Marignane, Vitrolles and Marseille. The various municipalities have received calls reporting suspicious odors from residents or fishermen.

The first calls are those of fishermen nearEnsues-La-Redonne at the gates of Marseille, surprised by the smell of gas, also detected near Lavéra. Shortly after, several municipalities received reports. The departmental fire and rescue service (SDIS) is carrying out investigations with several industrialists around the Etang de Berre, but they are quickly cleared.

We called Total La Mède, Stogaz, GRDF told us that the smell had passed through Ensuès as well. We called in the SDIS at the college level (…) all danger has been averted but we are not able to identify the source of this event“, recognizes Jean-Baptiste Saglietti, the first deputy mayor of Chateauneuf-Les-Martigues.

The firefighters actually intervened after alerts at the college of Amandeirets of Chateauneuf-Les-Martigues. Students are inconvenienced but not serious. The maritime prefecture, for its part, received no alert. In the end, this mysterious smell also traveled with more or less intensity: Vitrolles, Marignane and Marseille.

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