France Bleu Besançon live from the Royal Saltworks of Arc-et-Senans for the inauguration of the “Immense Circle”!

What if 240 years later, his dream came to an end?

Inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List since 1982the Royal Saltworks of Arc-et-Senans (25) has, 240 years later, extended the semi-circle of the visionary architect Claude-Nicolas Ledoux.

The semi-circle becomes a circle!

Manufacture dedicated to the production of salt at the request of Louis XV, the period plans make visible the dream project of the architect. That of create a perfect circle. Built between 1775 and 1779, it is in 2022 that the “Immense Circle” takes shape and intends to become a place of international renown. For the first time, a site inscribed on the World Heritage List by Unesco, grows in accordance with the criteria !

A dream come true
A dream come true

A project with great ambitions!

The creation of gardens is due to the work of Gilles Clément, gardener and landscapers and the agency Mayot & Toussaint. Thought to be a “planetary garden” according to Gilles Clémentthis project aims to maintain and preserve what nature offers to Man. Between creativity, biodiversity, natural wealth and solidaritythis circle offers a beautiful legacy to future generations.

Link to the virtual tour of the Royal Saltworks:

A rewarding visit!

The “Immense Circle” consists of permanent gardens “in motion” in the pre-existing semi-circle. Inaugurated in June 2021, they are can be visited all year round. In the recently built semi-circle, there are 10 thematic gardens and 11 ephemeral gardens that make up the Garden Festival. Labyrinth, wild meadow, edible and poetic walk complete the visit.

France Bleu Besançon immerses you in the circle live!

Your favorite radio station immerses itself in the circle and takes you on its visit! Saturday June 4the France Bleu Besançon plateau settles at the Saline Royale for your greatest pleasure from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.. Do not miss this inauguration which marks the end of 240 years of waiting. Step into the history of Royal Saltworks of Arc-et-Senans with us !

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