“Our breathing after having testified at the trial of the attacks”

It was six years ago to the day. On November 13, 2015, the attacks in Paris, at the Bataclan, on the terraces and at the Stade de France, killed 130 people. Chance of the calendar, the 5th day tribute to the two Messina victims of the Bataclan, Marie Lausch and Matthias Dymarski takes place this Saturday, in Metz Bliiida, for the first time, a November 13.

a gathering that is close to the hearts of two dads by Marie and Mathias: “It is our breathing after the trial of the attacks, where we were to testify on October 25“, explains Maurice Lausch, the father of Marie. Jean-François Dymarski, father of Mathias, insists on the homage paid to their children,”but also to the 129 other deceased and the 600 physically and psychologically wounded that we rub shoulders with the Parisian associations, and who helped us for our testimony at the trial. We must not forget them“.

Support for young artists from Metz

On the program for this Saturday, a storage room, in memory of Marie and her passion for fashion : “with fashion and designer clothes, I want to make it clear: this is not a garage sale!“smiles Maurice Lausch. It will take place in the morning, from 10 am to 1 pm. Then in the evening, the tribute concert, from 6.30 p.m., with as always young local talents: the group Koda, and its covers mainly in English. Léo Kanny, who will deliver his compositions, and in particular a song, entitled Liberté, in tribute to all the victims of terrorism. And finally DJ David Rouby, who will adapt his set to the music that Marie and Mathias listened to (rock for him, French song, and in particular Cœur de Pirate for her).

This 5th concert makes its big comeback to Bliiida, and that makes perfect sense, for Marie and Mathias’ dads: “We have been offered larger rooms, but it’s important for us to be here: this is where all of Marie and Mathias’ friends meet once a year, sometimes they come from far away. We are here at home“.

Grants to support young talents

Each year, several scholarships, funded by donations to the association, are awarded to support young people in carrying out their project. This Saturday evening, two new “Young Talent” winners will be designated: they are the 22nd and 23rd scholarships awarded since the creation of the Marie & Mathias association in 2016.

The first scholarship will be awarded to Alexandre, a young rapper of 24 years old. “This is our favorite“, explains Maurice Lausch.”He had a tormented life to say the least: he had two cancers, which he got out of. He is full full of strength and talent. She is a beautiful person. We are sure that he will succeed on the Metz scene, perhaps regional and why not national, that’s all we want him to do. “

The second consists of a driver’s license, funded at 100%, for a young student in the first year of the École Supérieure d’Ingénieurs des Travaux de la Construction (ESITC) in Metz, the Mathias school. “She will need the permit for her first year internship. She is a deserving student“, explains Jean-François Dymarski. This is the 4th license financed by the association.

In total, nearly 27,000 euros have already been paid out in the form of scholarships to twenty young people. The association also has the project of each year award the Marie & Mathias Prize to the best laureate.

A new website, to go even further

The association has also just launched its new website, which has already been visited by 10,000 Internet users in one week. And in two weeks, we will be able to do online donations and memberships, buy goodies, and above all submit your application to apply for the Young Talents scholarships. The association hopes to go beyond the borders of Moselle or Lorraine and support young people from all over France, even from abroad.

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