the mother of Frédéric Leclerc-Imhoff, the journalist killed in Ukraine, shares a heartbreaking message

While the war in Ukraine continues to wreak havoc, image reporters from around the world take turns to obtain information and images of the conflict that has divided Europe for several months. This Monday, May 30, 2022, the image reporter for BFMTV, Frédéric Leclerc-Imhoff was hit by shrapnel while he was on the road to Lyssytchansk, in the Severodonetsk region, in Ukraine. An incident that was unfortunately fatal since the 32-year-old journalist died.

It was the second time he went to Ukraine, at his request… I want to specify this not to clear himself, quite the contrary, but to express his commitment.“said Marc-Olivier Fogiel with tears in his eyes on the set of the BFM Story show. Shocked by the tragedy, the channel boss then revealed that he had the journalist’s mother on the phone.His first reaction was to ask how Maxime was doing. [Brandstaetter, ndlr.] and how was the fixer. She was obviously in tears, but that says a lot about the commitment. She obviously knew what her son’s job was, with a form of pride, like all of us here at BFMTV“.

Death of Frédéric Leclerc-Imhoff: his mother speaks and shares a heartbreaking message
Against all odds, the Russian news agency Tass said in a statement released on Monday, May 30, 2022, that the journalist was “a” mercenary engaged in the delivery of weapons to the armed forces. journalist to answer them: “Your press release makes me nauseous. Of course, you cowardly seek to clear yourself, but know that you will never succeed in smearing his memory” she declared.

At least I, despite the pain, know why my son died. One day, those truly responsible for this criminal nonsense will be held accountable.” she added after paying tribute to all the Ukrainian mothers who mourn their children, but also “all the Ukrainian children who mourn their parents and all the Russian mothers who saw their youngsters leaving soldiers too soon, who will not see them again and who wonder why.”

Aliénor de la Fontaine

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