Food: towards a shortage of mustard?


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In France, food shortages are increasing, Tuesday, May 31. Thus, mustard could run out of shelves after bad harvests.

In the Paris region, in Normandy, or even near Lyon (Rhone)shelves are emptying and stores are finding it increasingly difficult to stock up on mustard. Fewer products and a higher price: the price of the mustard jar has thus increased of 9.26% over a year. And it may not be over.

To understand this increase, head to Burgundy. The next harvest of mustard seeds is expected there in about a month, and, if it looks good, according to Fabrice Genin, producer, it will not make us forget a long period of food shortage. A food shortage caused by episodes of frost, drought and insect pests. Producers have turned away from this more fragile and technical plant, preferring sunflower or rapeseed, the prices of which are soaring. In a manufacturing plant, a third of the seeds come from France and the rest of Canada, which is the world’s largest exporter. There too, the 2021 harvest was very bad, due to the heat dome. For the time being, there is no question of a shortage, provided that consumers do not stock up.

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