Julien Castaldi soon to be dad at 25: “It happened faster than expected” (EXCLUDED)

The news was proudly announced by Benjamin Castaldi! In Do not touch My TV, last January, the columnist revealed that he would soon become a grandpa. This is his eldest son Julien (25 years old and born from his former union with Valérie Sapienza) who is expecting his first child with his fiancée Kiara, a little boy. The happy event is expected for the month of July and the young man’s impatience grows day by day. Purepeople.com spoke with Julien Castaldi as the birth approached. His role as father, the baby’s first name, the values ​​he wishes to pass on… he tells us everything!

You will soon be a dad, congratulations! How do you feel ?

I’m super excited, I can’t wait for my son to be born. It’s an event that happened a little faster than expected but it’s great news, I’m delighted. It’s going to be great, I think I’m ready. Well, we say that but I think it’s different to say it and to live it (laughs).

Is it an expected baby or rather a surprise?

I’m 25, my dad and mom had me at that age, so I’m going to have the exact same gap between my dad and my son. I wanted to be a young dad, it went perfectly with what I wanted in life. It was nevertheless a surprise baby in the sense that we wanted to get married first and have the baby next year, so it happened a little earlier.

You have already revealed that it will be a little boy and that you and your fiancée Kiara plan to call him Angelo. Is this still the case ?

That’s a very good question ! It’s a daily discussion with my fiancée. Nothing is certain yet. It doesn’t come from me, I still love Angelo so much but my girlfriend is thinking about other possibilities.

Why this first name?

It is very symbolic. All of the Castaldis, including my father, have Ange as their middle name. I thought it was good but after thinking it over, we thought there might be another first name that would suit her better. It will be a surprise.

Your father Benjamin had his last child Gabriel less than two years ago. The latter will therefore be the uncle of your son. How do you view this situation?

Since my aunt, my grandfather’s daughter, is six months older than me, it’s a normal situation in my family. It’s not crazy to me, and I think it’s cool that they have so little difference, I hope they will be close. It’s nice to have a big family like that, and mine is the heir to the throne, the seats are already assigned (laughs).

Like your father, do you hope to have several children?

Yes it is sure but close I do not know. I don’t want there to be too much age difference but first I will see how I manage with a child.

What kind of father would you like to be?

I hope to be there from start to finish, provide him with a stable living environment, enjoy every possible moment with him. I would like to pass on loyalty to him, it’s important, and then teach him to be a Castaldi. It’s not a flaw, there are moments that are a bit more complex, but I’ll have to teach him the Castaldi code.

What is the Castaldi code?

It is: distrust, sincerity and perseverance.

Unlike your brother Simon, you have decided to evolve in the shadows. Why ?

For a year, I was a columnist and host on NRJ12. It was a very rich experience, I don’t regret it at all, but it also allowed me to open my eyes to my real desires. When I had the proposal from NRJ12 to join them, I was beginning to gain self-confidence because before I was not comfortable in my own skin and I was less close to my father. At that time, we had strengthened our ties and it was a way for me to prove to him that I could do what he was doing. But the overall TV environment, having to be friends with the channels, the management, it’s a bit special, I wasn’t too much of a fan. And then, when it was over, I was told: “thank you goodbye.“It really put me off and it made me realize that I wasn’t cut out for it. With influence marketing, I found a certain legitimacy. Being in the shadows is a position that please and I do not regret this choice at all.

What do you think of Simon’s TV appearances?

It should have been a premium contestant and he’s not because the others hate his “son of” status. These are guys who, most of the time, struggled in their lives and worked much harder than my little brother to get there. So there is a kind of competition. Those who know him know that he is not a petty “son of”. He has a nervous temperament but he is young, when he is more composed, it will be easier for him to find his place. And then there is the production which asks him to accentuate these traits because that is what makes people talk. I hope in any case that he left to do other shoots.

How did you grow with the notoriety of your family?

Growing up as a “son of” has its upsides and downsides. You have to know how to manage. The good sides, it’s the professional part, it’s always good to have a name but in the relationship it’s complicated because when you’re young, you never really know who your friend is and who is there to take advantage of us.

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