at 103 years old, she launched herself by parachute and broke a world record


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A 103-year-old Swedish woman broke the world record for the oldest person to perform a tandem parachute jump on Sunday May 29. Account of his feat.

Rut Larsson, 103, struggles to walk, but nothing stops her. For a few minutes, she put aside her walker to experience one of the great moments of her life, in Motala (Sweden): a tandem parachute jump. The event is the pride of the Swedes, because the centenarian breaks the record for the oldest skydiver in tandem.

At 103 years and 259 days, Rut Larsson entered the Guinness Book of Records. She dethroned an American, 78 days her junior. “It’s wonderful to do this. I’ve been thinking about it for a long time. An American broke the record, so I had to beat hers”, she confided, laughing. After the experience, Rut Larsson told his family that he loved the sensations.

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