“we will have to learn lessons from what did not work” according to Pierre Rabadan



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Deputy mayor of Paris in charge of sports, Pierre Rabadan is in duplex in the 11 p.m. of Franceinfo Sunday May 29. He gives his vision of the overflows that took place at the Stade de France and what could be improved in the future in the organization of sporting events in France.

The Champions League final at the Stade de France, in Saint-Denis (Seine-Saint-Denis) on Saturday May 28 was marked by numerous incidents around the stadium. “I myself having been in the middle of the crowd at a complicated moment to return, obviously we saw that there were things from which we will have to quickly draw the consequences. I would like to emphasize that on the Paris side, there was the Liverpool fan zone with almost 50,000 people gathered where there was almost no overflow. After that raises the question of the surroundings of the stadium, non-ticket holders, people who probably had counterfeit tickets and the management of these flow. There is no doubt, given what happened last night, a lot of progress to be made on this”says Pierre Rabadan, deputy mayor of Paris in charge of sports, in duplex in the 11 p.m. of Franceinfo Sunday May 29.

In the future, France must host major events such as the Rugby World Cup in 2023 or the Paris Olympics in 2024. Many foreign supporters are expected to be present. “Since 2016, we have hosted a lot of international sporting events, of greater or lesser magnitude. So obviously, the Rugby World Cup, which is in the five biggest events, and the upcoming Olympic and Paralympic Games, are ‘an even more important order. That’s why we will have to learn from what has not worked” at the Stade de France on Saturday, says Pierre Rabadan.

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