Julien Doré reveals the death of his mother: heartbreaking photo and poignant message

Among the many comments to show him tenderness and compassion, stands out that of chef Cyril Lignac, writing “So much”. The cook lost his mother in 2014, who never leaves his thoughts. During an interview for Releasehe had mentioned his “tear” since his disappearance. Hélène Ségara, or the association that Julien Doré supports with energy, Les Blouses roses, have also expressed their support.

Young dad, the interpreter of We had mentioned on another personal subject, his paternity in Parisian last April, without specifying the date of birth of his child, nor his first name, nor the one with whom he became a parent: “On stage, I’m a daron, that role, intimate, that of the house, that responsibility, I feel it towards the kids I have in front of me, those who say a word to me, give me a drawing. There is an additional meaning that feeds all parts of my life, artistic too.”

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