In the retro: Axel Bauer

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Powerful and vibrant. With a wild sweetness, a poetic and energetic lucidity, “Radio London” is Axel Bauer’s new album. You can discover the first single from his new album on France Bleu: “Ici Londres”. A single where Axel Bauer is not alone, we also hear the voice of his father, last announcer of Radio Londonwho uttered the famous phrase “The French speak to the French“517 times.

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Axel Bauer is to be found on stage on November 15 at the Trianon in Paris and on tour too! He also gives you an appointment for his France Bleu Live, Saturday June 5 at 3 p.m. !

In this episode of the show “In the retro”:

“Today we have a great freedom of expression, especially on social networks, without fear of being deported to Siberia or executed. It gives a kind of freedom so great, that we no longer know where the limits are.

On his kidney cancer: “When you are told that you may lose your life, it gives you another relationship to existence. Problems are more acceptable, colors are brighter.”

On “Cargo de nuit”, one of his cult titles : “It’s a great chance to make a success like Cargo. It’s an honor, it’s a chance. But the difficult side was, for a time, having another success that allowed you to get away from it a bit.

“I assumed to be an icon gay at time Cargo because I understood that it was important to change mentalities and my place, at that time, made it possible to accompany that.”

“The desert is a beautiful place but it can turn into very hostile land at any minute. It inspires humility.”

On his “paranormal” experiences: There were chances that weren’t… I could meet someone and have kind of flashes on the person, I knew the person’s name. I didn’t talk about it because I was afraid that they would lock me up and tell me that I was crazy.”

“There are people who go to the spirituality and are prone to excesses and can sometimes be part of sectarian approaches. That’s what I didn’t like.”

On talking about his kidney cancer: “The fact of being known forces me not to hide anything. Many things in my life are known. I don’t hide it and I don’t want to hide it, it can also help others to see someone famous talking about it.”

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