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Humor is an often overlooked element of Elizabeth II’s personality. Royal and British, he sometimes surprises heads of state and his interlocutors…
A dazzling repartee, and tongue-in-cheek: it is a facet of Elizabeth II known only to her interlocutors, or to a few indiscreet microphones. Last year, she launched in full official photo of the G7, on her land: “Are we supposed to act like we’re having fun?” With small touches, the queen softens her sometimes austere image.
Behind the coldness of etiquette, she knows how to brighten up receptions. In 2015, the Queen responds to the Canadian Prime Minister who insists on the longevity of his reign. “Thank you (…) for making me feel so old”, she retorts then, triggering a burst of laughter. In Northern Ireland, facing the Deputy Prime Minister, a veteran of the IRA, a paramilitary group known for its attacks, she was having fun: “I’m still alive.” She also knows how to be mischievous, by inviting herself on a selfie or indulging, in private, in squeaky imitations.