how do the pupils see the future of the school?



Article written by

H. Pozzo, M. Birden, S. Guibout, C. Baume, J. Martin, N. Pagnotta – France 3

France Televisions

France Télévisions found the Second 9 students of the Angela Davis high school, in Saint-Denis. In this new episode, the central question is the future of the school.

What do young people from Second 9 at Angela Davis High School in Saint-Denis (Seine-Saint-Denis) expect from school? “If we want to work, we work”says a student. “When you choose a sector, it will be difficult to change. As soon as you have entered a framework, (…) if you made a mistake it will be very difficult to change”, advance another. There are many ideas for an ideal school: the American model, one week less vacation against shorter days…

Christophe Barrand, author of Mr Headmaster at Grasset editions, met the students. In particular, they address the issue of differences in levels between private and public schools. “Perhaps in some private schools, parents and students are more accepting of the work, the collective project”advances Christophe Barrand, who reminds us that we must “agree to discuss together”. A message on the whole well received by the students, even if some are not very optimistic. “We say things, but it’s not going to change. We struggled, but [nos petits frères et petites sœurs] will struggle too”says a young person.

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