Link your hike to the offer of festivals, markets, shows and concerts

This hottest month since 2007 is part of the ongoing global warming which is an accelerator for the annual cycle of nature. This month’s thunderstorms looked like summer and weather forecasters indicate that June and July would see very hot weather with thunderstorms. In short ! rather dry but temperate weather depending on whether thunderstorms break out here or there. And why not link your hike to the offer of festivals, markets, shows, concerts… Let’s start for tomorrow and the day after tomorrow with a hike that you will choose from the topos of the Mayenne of hollow roads or the Mayenne on foot precisely at Château-Gontier -sur-Mayenne by combining your walk with two visits to nature exhibitions organized by the association le kiosk à images. The first is on the theme of trees. It is open on Monday 30 and Tuesday 31 for lunch and dinner at the aquatic area, rue de Coubertin. The second is open during the day at the St-Julien chapel on the quay leading to the hospital and is called Dame nature. Until June 3, a third Disconnection exhibition at the Ursulines cloister will connect you with Stéphanie Lacombe who illuminates with her facetious and benevolent look the daily life of the French in their interior, the solitary lives. This project is fully in line with its constant search for the place of the human in a standardized and formatted world. Culture and nature go well together!

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