Itsas Mendi Etxaldea

Between sea and mountain, ITSAS-MENDI brings together the life project of two young farmers: Maryse and Patxi DOYHARCABAL have focused on the transformation of their products and direct sales in order to enhance their work.

At Arbonne, we inherit a strong family tradition of breeding Blonde d’Aquitaine cows. Our cows graze all year round in large meadows and spend the winter in the barn where they have hay produced on the farm.

We take care of the finish of the animals in order to obtain tender and tasty meat. The animals are treated with medicinal plants and essential oils.

We grow berries in Arbonne. The Gariguette strawberry has the tangy taste of spring and the Marra des Bois strawberry the sweet taste of summer. As the seasons go by, the strawberries are picked when ripe and transformed into jams and coulis.

In the orchard of fruit trees in Bidarray, we mainly pick cherries, vineyard peaches, apples, nectarines, figs, pears and plums and apricots.

The fruits are transformed into jams, coulis and syrups.

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