Julien Cohen married his daughter Carla! Photos unveiled, the magnificent young woman in her dress

Julien Cohen had the pleasure of becoming a father three times in his life. France 2’s most famous junk dealer first had his elders Carla and Zacary with his first wife Marie-Laure. Then another girl named Nina (15 years old), fruit of his love with his wife of twenty years, Karine. With her, he forms a beautiful blended family since she had three first children, Jordan, Carla and Aaron. And the whole tribe had the opportunity to come together for a big event this Friday, May 27, 2022, namely Carl’s wedding !

It was Julien Cohen who sold the wick on his Facebook page by posting some photos of the big day. We discover her artist daughter, magnificent in a partly transparent lace dress, with a plunging neckline and bare shoulders. His dad was on his radiant side and shone with elegance in a blue suit accompanied by a white shirt without a tie. In the caption of this publication, he slipped a tender message showing his pride. After seeing him born, taking him to school, traveling to multiple countries, scolding, consoling and educating as best I could, all I had to do was drive her to her wedding ceremony“, we read. And for him to conclude: “All my best wishes to Carla and Lucio Parrillo.

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