400 athletes for the adapted French Parafootball Championship

400 footballers at the Pompidou stadium in Valence for three days! It is the French Parafootball Championship adapted for the mentally or psychologically handicapped. In all, this represents around forty teams from all over the country.

On the pitch, not much difference from ordinary matches. The rules are adapted: there are only 7 players per team (against 11) and half times of 12 or 14 minutes (against 45 minutes usually). There are also two categories, depending on the severity of the handicap.

I’m having fun, I love it – Wilfrid, a player from Lyon

On the bench, in the shade, Wilfrid rejoices. He comes from Lyon and this is his second French Championship: “I have fun, I have fun, I love it, we try to do what we can“At the Pompidou stadium, we are also a little disappointed sometimes, like Aurélie, the goalkeeper of the Drômoise team “Méli-Mélo”: “There are some great games, but we had a draw and we lost one.

Eliot, one of the many referees, is moved to be able to be present: “It’s great to see people with disabilities who still enjoy playing football, it touches me!“The man, originally from Scotland, received specific training to referee these matches, with kindness.

We would like people to come and see – Dominique Luquet, President of the Dromardèche committee for adapted sport

At the top of the stands, Dominique Luquet, President of the Dromardèche adapted sport committee. She scans the grounds where the matches are taking place. Happy with the good performance of the Championships, she wants to send a message “We would really like people to come and see the show, the athletes. We always grow out of it!

Matches continue throughout the weekend. The final will be played this Sunday, May 29 in the morning, before the prize-giving and the closing ceremony. It is the Loire-Atlantique committee which will host the Championship next year.

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