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Diagnosed at the age of 26 with a neurodegenerative disease, Leah Stavenhagen offers a testimony of hope in her book. She was the guest of the 11 p.m. of franceinfo, Thursday, May 26.
Leah Stavenhagen, author of “I would like to dance again, my life with Charcot’s disease” (editions de l’Archipel), was the guest of 23h de franceinfo, Thursday May 26. In 2019, when the very athletic American student was 26, she was diagnosed with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). A neurodegenerative disease which does not prevent him from “live a life filled with joy”. “There are difficulties that I would never have imagined having, but life is not only that”she explains.
The young woman wishes to see and be seen beyond the disease. Daughter of a researcher, she was able to be the first in the world to benefit from a new treatment. It is impossible to say that this is what slowed the progression of the disease in her. But “I have hope”, explains Leah Stavenhagen. About 5,000 to 7,000 people are affected by Charcot’s disease in France.