5% of 16-year-olds are illiterate in France

A National Education report, written by the General Inspectorate of Education, Sport and Research, has just been published. It points to a lack of support for illiteracy.

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The subject is too often underestimated. And yet, illiteracy affects a significant proportion of young people in France. According to a report drawn up by the General Inspectorate for Education, Sport and Research, which depends on the Ministry of National Education, nearly one in ten 16-year-olds have serious reading difficulties.

>> Tired, angry, even depressed, only 22% of teachers would recommend their job to younger people

Worse, according to this report, 5% of 16-year-olds in France are illiterate. These figures were observed during Defense and Citizenship Day.

For the rapporteurs of the mission, the scourge is known, but the care still leaves much to be desired. According to them, this observation, however edifying, does not “does not lead to the implementation of concrete actions“At all school levels, “alerts are ignored“, of the “essential learnings missed“, write the inspectors general.

They believe that the situation is experienced as a fatality, both by the students concerned but also by their families and by the teachers. National Education, bears its share of responsibility, affirms the text, for having partly neglected this problem of illiteracy. Devices already exist but they are not implemented or not in a sufficiently coordinated manner.

The report therefore recommends better harmonizing care at the national level with reflex measures that remain to be developed in order to detect reading problems as early as possible. The report speaks, for example, of the creation of a scientific and educational council. He also proposes to test students more scrupulously and finally evokes the training of teaching teams to treat an evil that thrives “basically“, in his words, “due to negligence and ignorance“.

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