Shocked and upset by a new shooting in the United States, Madonna makes an exceptional request!

Madonna is the latest public figure to speak out after the senseless shooting at an elementary school in Uvalde, Texas on Tuesday (May 24) left 19 children and two teachers dead. “I can’t imagine the pain and heartbreak the parents of these 19 children must feel. I have children in primary school, and if they don’t come home from school one day, I don’t think that I could survive”she wrote on her account instagram.

In her moving social media post, the mum of nine-year-old twins Stella and Esther asked how the 18-year-old murderer could “buy 2 automatic rifles on his birthday with no background checks, no safety training, no questions asked”.

After the tribute paid to the victims, the queen of pop challenged the politics of firearms in the United States. “The NRA refuses to change its position and legislation cannot pass a single bill that demands tougher gun safety laws… We need to reduce access to guns to people at risk of harming themselves or others We must insist on mandatory training for gun owners, the same way we require people to study and pass a test to obtain a license driving. A car is a potential weapon if not used correctly. A gun too! Has anyone ever established this correlation?” she wrote about instagram.

Madonna’s plea joins countless Democratic politicians, gun control advocates and other stars (Kim Kardashian, James Corden Taylor Swift, Chrissy Teigen, Jennifer Lopez…) who have urged those in power to take measures to reduce the toll of armed violence in the country.

See also: Madonna wants to hire…

Adam Javal-Fauconnier

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