5% of 16-year-olds are affected, according to a National Education report

Illiteracy affects 5% of young French people aged 16. This is the finding drawn up by a report from the National Education, written by the General Inspectorate of Education, Sport and Research, and which has just been published, indicates this Thursday franceinfo. Moreover, nearly one in ten young people of the same age have serious difficulties in reading.

Devices not always implemented

According to the mission’s rapporteurs, the scourge is known, but the treatment leaves something to be desired. This observation, however edifying, “does not lead to the implementation of concrete actions”, notice the experts who denounce “alerts ignored” at all school levels. Difficulties experienced as “a fatality”according to the rapporteurs, by the young people concerned.

The report does not spare National Education, which “bears its share of responsibility”, even if mechanisms already exist, they are not always implemented. The report therefore recommends better harmonizing, at the national level, care with reflex measures, to be developed to detect reading problems as early as possible.

He also proposes to test students more scrupulously and evokes the training of teaching teams to treat an evil, which thrives “basically”in his words, “due to negligence and ignorance”.

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