Minister Dubé wants to keep an eye on family physicians with a bill

The Minister of Health, Christian Dubé, wants to keep an eye on general practitioners. To get there, he tabled Bill 11 in the National Assembly on Thursday.

This provides in particular that “any general practitioner must transmit to the Minister his time slots of availability”.

“It is a management bill”, argues Minister Dubé, who affirms that “there is no coercion in this”.

The Minister of Health wants to have the possibility of “using” this “information” when “this use is necessary for the exercise of his functions”, we can read in the draft of “Law to increase the supply of first-line services by general practitioners and to improve the management of this offer ”.

The government also wants to force general practitioners to “add to their clientele only people registered with the Access to a family doctor”.

Bill 11 would also require physicians to “make themselves available to insured persons through the appointment system set up by the Régie de l’assurance maladie du Québec (RAMQ) or a appointment booking system offered by another supplier ”.

The minister “oversees the management of the appointment setting”, specifies the bill.

Further details will follow.

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