“A healthy clarification”, says MEP LR Agnès Evren

The MEP Les Républicains welcomes “a very good decision” by the HATVP which pointed to “substantial ethical risks”.

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The reconversion project of the former Minister Delegate for Transport Jean-Baptiste Djebbari at the shipowner CMA-CGM, challenged by the High Authority for the Transparency of Public Life (HATVP), is “a healthy clarification”, estimated Tuesday May 24 on franceinfo Agnès Evren, MEP, vice-president of the Republicans. She greets “a very good decision” of the HATVP which pointed to “substantial ethical risks.”

“In this period when politicians do not enjoy great confidence or popularity, we need strict ethicsinsists Agnès Evren. Politicians must be free from suspicion. I am for a requirement in terms of exemplarity and revolving door.” According to her, Jean-Baptiste Djebbari “when he was a minister, had met senior executives of this maritime company on eight occasions. So, it is true that this creates confusion.”

The vice-president of LR notes that “more and more politicians and senior civil servants mix political responsibilities and private interests”. Even if she doesn’t judge “abnormal that public officials then go into the private sector”she believes that as soon as they then take care of “business lobbying on behalf of companies, this raises a real question”. Agnès Evren advocates “more control, more transparency”. “The moralization of public life remains a promise always to be renewed”adds the LR manager.

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