at least three cases detected in France

“To date, these cases have occurred mainly, but not only, in men who have sex with men, without direct links with people returning from endemic areas”, notes Public Health France.

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Three confirmed cases of monkeypox were recorded in France on Monday May 23, according to a press release from Public Health France.To date, these cases have occurred mainly, but not exclusively, in men who have sex with men (MSM), with no direct links to people returning from endemic it written.

The health agency says “sustainable monitoring of Monkeypox [variole du singe en anglais] by the compulsory declaration system is reinforced” in France. Information and alert messages were also sent to healthcare professionals.

The appearance of this disease on the Old Continent is taken seriously by the authorities. “In the usual absence of Monkeypox in Europe and of a link reported by the cases identified with a risk area, the current European context constitutes an alert and suggests contamination in Europe”underlines Public Health France.

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