Lio upset by the suffering of her 6 children: “I feel responsible”

Lio is one of the stars of French song. Its most emblematic titles span the generations and continue to draw its biggest fans into the dance. These are probably his children. Mother of four daughters, Nubia, 33, Esmeralda, 25, Garance and Léa, 21 and two boys, Igor, 27 and Diego, 17, Lio, also an actress, made touching confidences at the microphone of France Inter this Sunday, May 22 on the show Off road presented by Thomas Sotto.

If everything was going pretty well for Lio during the interview, she finally let herself be overwhelmed by emotion. Her children were born to four different fathers, a family pattern that has left some scars: “They are fine. I can not believe it. It’s been so hard for many, many, many years… They weren’t okay” she confessed, tremolos in her voice. In question, the multiple criticisms of which she could be the object and which, if she did not really suffer from it, had consequences on the life of her family.

Lio knows it, Nubia, Esmeralda, Garance, Léa, Igor and Diego have not always been comfortable with the way of experiencing their mother’s love: “I was confronted with their enormous suffering every day, without always knowing how to respond to it. And, certainly, by not responding to them to the extent that each child deserves. And, also, because I have a job that keeps me moving. I am with them, but not guilty. I feel responsible for many things and they have to hold me to account. I am here to answer them. It is their most legitimate right. (…) But I have no regrets.”

This responsibility, Lio already mentioned in 2014. The artist confessed to having thought more of her than of her children at the time: “I have the right to fall in love, to have children with whoever I want, to separate twenty times, to live several loves, to live several lives, to be several women. And I carried that forward so much that my children, behind, I didn’t look at them.“Let’s hope for her that they have since forgiven her.

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