At the hospital, emergencies forced to reduce their activity for lack of staff



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Hospital emergency departments are in crisis. 120 services are forced to limit their activity, as in Bordeaux, where emergencies close at night. A big project awaits the new government.

In a corridor of the emergency room of the Bordeaux hospital center, more than a dozen patients wait on stretchers and sometimes armchairs, for long hours, before being taken care of. For lack of carers, the service can no longer follow the flow of patients. “We lack nurses, we lack nursing auxiliaries, we lack stretcher-bearers, all the staff who make it possible to open the beds of the hospital“, enumerates Pierre Catoire, emergency physician.

Since Wednesday, May 18, the establishment has implemented a new regulatory system: from 5 p.m., emergencies are only accessible to patients sent by the Samu. If a person presents themselves, first aiders are there to sort out those who will be taken care of here and those who will be redirected to their general practitioner or SOS Médecins.

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