a security guard killed at the Qatar embassy, ​​an investigation opened for intentional homicide and a suspect arrested

The use of a weapon is currently unconfirmed.

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A security guard was killed on Monday May 23 at the Qatar Embassy, ​​located in 1 Rue de Tilsitt, in the 8th arrondissement of Paris, learned franceinfo from the Paris prosecutor’s office. An investigation was opened for intentional homicide. The investigations were entrusted to the criminal brigade of the judicial police.

“The circumstances of the death of the security guard are yet to be determined precisely” adds the prosecution which specifies that “the use of a weapon is not confirmed”.

From a source close to the investigation at franceinfo, this security guard died after an altercation with a suspect. The victim received several punches from his attacker, according to the same source. He was arrested, confirmed the Paris prosecutor’s office.

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