Crush and rage on the Croisette

Favorite: the morning on the Croisette

Those who don’t come to Cannes often imagine that we live an idyllic existence here. In truth, between the theatrical screenings, the interviews and the writing on the computer, we run everywhere and the charms of the Côte d’Azur pass under our noses. Except in the morning. Along the Croisette, the beaches are empty because of exhausted revelers asleep at the hotel. The light is beautiful, almost pale, the Esterel mountains stand out under a pink sky. The place belongs to us. So we breathe the air of the bay, telling ourselves that life is beautiful and the panorama is very pretty.

Rant: the stars of criticism

The Festival has been rolling for several days. We see good films or not, but without having felt the breath of the palm pass over one of them. Opinion is well divided. From pools French film and Screen International reviews give stars to the works in the run. We consult them every day. However, no consensus breaks through and it is to believe that we have not seen the same films. Some give a palm to films that we found unfinished, others, the baboon of discontent. But between Screen (mainly Anglo-Saxon journalists) and Le film français (voices from France) a chasm is widening. Completely different sensitivities emerge. Odds vary from start to finish. So we say to ourselves that criticism is really not an exact science and that subjectivity reigns everywhere.

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