Elisabeth Borne “was not aware” of the rape charges against Damien Abad

According to Mediapart, two women accuse the new Minister of Solidarity of having raped them in 2010 and 2011.

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“Of course, I didn’t know.” On the move in Calvados, where she is campaigning for the legislative elections, Elisabeth Borne reacted on Sunday May 22 to accusations of rape targeting Damien Abad, appointed head of the Ministry of Solidarity. The Prime Minister claims to have “discovered the Mediapart article yesterday”. “I have no more elements than the fact that the case has been closed without further action”she continued in front of the journalists.

“I can assure you that if there are new elements, if justice is again seized, we will draw all the consequences.”

Elisabeth Borne

in front of journalists

“I will be very clear: on all these subjects of harassment, sexual assault, there can be no impunity”, warned the Prime Minister. Elisabeth Borne also said she wanted “continue to act so that women, who may be victims of aggression, harassment, can free their speech, that they are welcomed to file a complaint”.

In an article published on Saturday, Mediapart writes that Damien Abad “was appointed Minister of Solidarity despite a report for alleged acts of rape sent to LREM and LR by the Observatory of sexist and sexual violence in politics”. According to the news site, a rape complaint was also filed in 2017 against Damien Abad and dismissed. In a press release, the latter “contest with the greatest force” the charges against him.

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