The Lost Illusions, by Xavier Giannoli, will be released on Wednesday October 20 at the cinema. This new adaptation of Honoré de Balzac’s novel tells the story of a young provincial in bourgeois and intellectual Paris of the 19th century.
Lucien is a young provincial poet. Cradled in illusions, he hopes to succeed in Paris and dreams of poetry. It is however journalism that he will live, in a press devoid of any morality. “Today, [mon personnage d’Étienne Lousteau] would be polemic on Twitter “, analyzes Vincent Lacoste, actor of the film. “He spends his time humiliating people, getting paid to write crap for everyone.”
The young Lucien de Rubempré gets caught up in the game of corruption, the absence of ethics and the easy life. The butterfly does not yet know that it is going to burn its wings. This is the magic of Balzac’s modern novels, the Lost illusions, one of the 90 opuses of the Human comedy. Since his 19th century, the master of the French novel has already announced the cynicism of our time. “The novel is a mirror that it tends to our time: the obsession with profit, the central place of money in life, and what there is to humanly save from this world”, comments Xavier Giannoli, the director.