a suspect has been arrested!

For more than a year, Christine Kelly has lived in fear that her life will be taken. The CNews journalist revealed several months ago that she was threatened with death. “I took a lot. I don’t tolerate any will to hurt, for free […] Who has ever survived months or weeks of death threats while working? Thank you for your testimony. It can help” she explained in particular on social networks. Threats which were probably closely linked to the presence of Eric Zemmour, then a simple polemicist, in his show on CNews.

On November 24, 2021, the former columnist of Touche not at my post had filed a complaint against X after being threatened with beheading by email. According to our colleagues from Parisian, the investigations of the brigade for the repression of delinquency against the person (BRDP) of the Parisian judicial police have made it possible to identify a suspect. The defendant is said to be Patrick K., a 50-year-old Cameroonian computer scientist, married to a Frenchwoman, and who lives in Eure-et-Loir. He has already been sentenced four times, notably for contempt of person responsible for public authority.

Patrick K. called for the CNews journalist and former member of the CSA, either “conduct manu militari to the media scaffold”, “The ax will inevitably fall on your well-made head” or “your head will fall like a slate one evening storm”. The man describes himself as an “anti-racist activist”, comparing Christine Kelly to a “white negress”. For these acts of harassment, the accused was referred to the Paris Criminal Court.


See also: Why did Christine Kelly make Cyril Hanouna cry?

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