VIDEO. Bikelife presents in Cannes with the film “Rodeo” by Lola Quivoron



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We would not have imagined being in Cannes”. With her film “Rodeo”, director Lola Quivoron sheds light on cross-bitumen. Brut met her with the rest of his team, for their very first stair climb.

Being present at the Cannes Film Festival means “as if the bourgeoisie accepted us a little bit. It’s such a big opening to a new world” explains Julie, actress of the film Rodeo.

The motorcycle, she started it at the age of 9. Since then she has never stopped: “It’s so liberating to be on your motorcycle. The cross bitumen is quite frowned upon. Apart from kids messing around on a motorbike as you can hear most of the time, well, there’s a real family thing”.

Julie, Ahmed, Dave… All the actors are present at the festival. For most of them, it’s their first film. And for everyone, it’s the first step up.

It’s a film that was really made in sound and fury. The shooting was done in crazy intensity” comments Lola Quivoron, the director.

We are all proud and we made our parents proud. We are here to show everyone that we have a talent and overcome all prejudices” adds Dave, one of the Rodeo actors.

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