climate NGOs hope not to be “again disappointed” by the ecological and energy transition duo

Amélie de Monchalin has been appointed Minister for Ecological Transition and Agnès Pannier-Runacher, Minister for Energy Transition.

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It’s a new duo of women at the head of the environment. This double appointment puts an end to the series of former environmental ministers like François De Rugy, Nicolas Hulot or Barbara Pompili. Amélie de Monchalin takes the head of the Ministry of Ecological Transition and Agnès Pannier-Runacher that of Energy Transition.

Climate NGOs show concern even if they will judge on actions. The two new ministers are Liberals and do not come from the environmental world. They belonged to the former government. Amélie de Montchalin and Agnès Pannier-Runacher were previously Minister of Transformation and the Civil Service and Minister of Industry in the government of Jean Castex.

>> Political reactions to the announcement of the new government

They will lead a two-headed structure in which Yves Verilhac, director general of the LPO (Bird Protection League) hopes that biodiversity will not be abused. “It is no insult to the previous government to say that we were very disappointed.”

In this new architecture, energy will have a crucial place. Both to speed up the transition and to guarantee the supply of electricity. “It’s really going to be how to revive the development of renewable energiessays Anne Bringaud of the Climate Action Network, since we can clearly see that we have difficulties in supplying fossil fuels with the war in Ukraine and that we must free ourselves from fossil fuels for the climate”. “Second challenge: energy savings”, points out the association’s program coordinator.

In addition to the energy emergency, the challenge for the government is to reinforce the reduction in greenhouse gas emissions. The action of the two ministers will be led by Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne, in charge of ecological planning. But Arnaud Schwartz, president of France Nature Environnement, does not exonerate the President of the Republic from his responsibilities: “If his will is sincere, he will give the authority and the means to Elisabeth Borne to transmit all the necessary instructions to all the ministers because it is in all the thematic areas that we need to make our transition today. today”, he said on franceinfo on Saturday May 21.

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