Motorway traffic: a huge blockage paralyzed the A7



Article written by

B.Delombre, D.Sébastien, N.Baker C. Cuello, S.Gravelaine, @RevelateursFTV – France 2

France Televisions

Wednesday, May 18, hundreds of vehicles remained blocked on the A7 motorway near Lyon. An accident caused this blockage, which turned into hell for many motorists.

A wait that lasts for hours and a blockage that never ends, this is what users of the A7 motorway experienced on the night of May 18 to 19 between Valence (Drome) and Lyons (Rhone). So, there you go, people are turning around on the highway,” testifies a disappointed motorist. We had to take our troubles patiently, but some people preferred to dismantle the railing to clear their way. Some users have even resorted to the dirt roads that run alongside the highway.

In question: a tanker truck hit a car and found itself lying on the side. The problem being that the truck was transporting a highly flammable liquid, the authorities therefore installed an exceptional perimeter of 400 meters, the time to extract the truck. The rescue operations lasted for many hours, which paralyzed traffic. It was not until the morning of Thursday May 19 that the situation returned to normal.

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